Know Your Fashion Quiz Series



Know Your Fashion Quiz Series

Welcome to your Know Your Fashion Quiz 


All questions are compulsory.

There are 10 questions. Each question has only one correct answer.

No negative marking

1 correct answer has 1 mark (Total 10 marks)

Duration of Quiz: 10 min

We wish you all the best!

1 / 10

Himru is produced by using _______ yarns.




2 / 10

Who is often credited with popularizing the "little white dress" as a fashion statement?



3 / 10

What is the name of the traditional Middle Eastern headscarf worn by women?




4 / 10

A jacquard is a type of what?




5 / 10

Which Indian state is renowned for its "Pattachitra" paintings, which often serve as inspiration for textile prints and designs?



6 / 10

What is the traditional dress worn by men in South Korea, often consisting of loose-fitting pants and a long coat?

7 / 10

What is the term for a small, decorative pin often worn on clothing as a stylish accessory?



8 / 10

Which Indian state is famous for its traditional "Kashidakari" embroidery, characterized by intricate floral and paisley motifs?





9 / 10

What is the purpose of a fashion mood board?

10 / 10

What is the name of the traditional Indian weaving technique where threads are tie-dyed before weaving to create intricate patterns?



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